I’ve been following a forum associated with The Time-wasters Guide a review site focusing on speculative fiction sci-fi/fantasy gaming. In other words wastes of time. :) However a writing workshop called Writing Excuses and a Writing Circle called –oddly enough– Reading Excuses both have a major presence on the TWG forum.
Being the intrepid waster of time, reformed gamer, and struggling writer that I am –I was drawn in and felt the need to jump into the Reading Excuses with both feet. This is good because I find that reading my own text repeatedly can become a vacuous mind-numbing prospect which leads to periods of unproductive daydreaming and, um, games.
Reading Excuses give me the opportunity to put my Philology into play (yes children I actually studied divinity) and tear someone else’s work to shreds. As a critic I lean toward canonical criticism –meaning that I look to how characters interpret the meaning of events and circumstances, then rigorously apply those doctrines wherever those things appear in the work. I comfort myself that text belongs to the reader and the characters not the author so when I rip apart a subplot or manner of expression it’s nothing personal. Of course if it’s MY writing then it’s personal buddy! 😛
Well all that was said to explain my current dilemma. I have a book in progress, but I’m not sure I’m ready to share it. I have notes on another book, but I’m not sure I can put together anything to be reviewed in anything like a short time. However I committed myself to submit to Reading Excuses on Monday! Whatever is a boy to do?