Will Abrams sans Nimoy “Live long and prosper”?

I know it will seem crass, but one of the results of Nimoy’s death is the obsolescence of JJ Abrams’ heterodox Star Trek parody. He built so much of his reboot on the failure and coexistence of Nimoy’s Spock, that with Nimoy’s death there is nothing to reliably drive the franchise along his divergent plotline.

I deeply doubt that Nimoy spent his last hours contemplating the effect his death would have on the Star Trek Multiverse, but it remains a shame that his most memorable roles and the core of his life’s work was so precariously balanced as to lose value with his death.

I know it will be said that Abrams work is well constructed and has strong themes and a generation of newbies who will be first exposed to to Trek by viewing his reboot. True enough. But to put it poetically, “Rand ain’t Pug, and Star Wars ain’t Dune.” It’s no matter how good Abrahms Trek is or how many characters it shares, it’s just not Star Trek.

We’re at a cross-roads where we need a “Christopher Nolan” to re-reboot and bring the franchise back to Tim Burton’s original vision. No Tim Burton didn’t create Star Trek, or Batman for that matter. But the power of the first best Batman being recaptured in Nolan’s Dark Knight is a perfect parallel with Abrams starring as Joel Schumacher.

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